Sunday, December 12, 2004

Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated... well I'm not surprised cuz I got mono, then gallstones, which led to my surgery (gallbladder removal) which happened on Nov 12, 2004 (school P.D. day) Oh just before my surgery, November 1-4 I spent in the children' ward at the APGH in extreme pain... I've missed so much school, that a lot of work accumulates and buries me for so long... my school's Christmas concert (December 8,2004) was entitled "Sounds of the Season". I created the program for it along with Ms. Apple's help :D I started playing hockey again on December 5, 2004 XD My team tied the game... I get to play my first school hockey game on tuesday! I'm so excited... So many bad things have been happening to ppl at my school, we had a teacher (Mr. Miller) die, a custodian (Marlene I think) and a student (David Preston). May they all rest in peace. Also, I found out that Mr. 4sin went to the hospital a week or so back because of an irregular heart beat and he wore a heart monitor for a day to further ensure his health is good... I hope no more bad events occur.

Friday, September 24, 2004

well I'm still at home being sick...well I am sick and my doctor just figured out what it is well what the pain causer is... I have a liver inflammation and my skin is kinda yellow... icky.... oh well I'm going for an ultrasound soon....

Thursday, September 16, 2004

September 9th, 2004
Went to see social worker... I think that in that office they all swear A LOT! oh well I've gotten used to it now... the social worker was very nice and I opened up more to him than I did the four times with Moron... sad but true... anyways this guy thought I was normal until he found out my problem. I got along wiht him a lot better than I do with Moron... it was funny at some parts cuz he said he felt like I was lecturing him... LOL but we both laughed at it which was good... :D
School Update: Porker left.... :( she went to England for a year... I was gonna apologize to her this year... jeez... anyways this semester I have:
Music - Ms. Apple (I finally didnt get Mr. O. !)
Math - Mrs. Caravan
French - Ms. Sabah
Social Chal./Change - Ms. Ed

September 16th, 2004
Anyways I was supposed to see social worker and Moron together yesterday but I'm really sick... my family doctor thinks I have a viral infection and I think he said its in my stomach but its around my stomach... I missed most of school yesterday and all of today... might miss more tomoro but i dunno yet... if i dont go tomoro I gotta go back to my family doctor... joy (sarcastic) lol.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

September 3, 2004
Went to see Moron again... I'm now officially a lost cause... he sees nothing wrong with me although I have done the deed again... I haven't revealed anything about this to him... prolly won't ever...
Going to see a Social Worker with my parents... ugh... thats on the 9th...
Then seeing Moron again on the 15th...

Later on...
Moron figured out that I did the deed again cuz I forgot that I wrote it in this journal thing he wanted me to write in... oh well...he already knew about the deed anyways

Sunday, August 15, 2004

August 13, 2004
I went to see Moron again... he thinks that I don't need to see him anymore cuz I'm normal... I agree sorta... oh well... I'm going again in 3 weeks. The book didn't help any except reveal his precious little methods of helping people...
I went to the mall after the appointment and saw one of my old teachers from elementary school. That was cool. I gave her my email address so hopefully she'll email me.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

August 4, 2004
I just took this awesome personality test... very cool... here are my results:
Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
URL of the test:
URL for more info:

Saturday, July 31, 2004

July 31, 2004
Mr. 4sin announced today that he will have his own math TV show on a specialty channel (one I don't get) lucky me. LOL
I started seeing this counselor dude who shall be nicknamed Moron. (not cuz I think he is one but because he said he would be one if...too long of a story) anyways he thinks that I'm fairly normal... but at my appointment yesterday we figured out my true problem... that I don't know how to disperse my emotions in appropriate ways. If you're sitting there wondering what I am talking about don't email me to ask me. It started in grade 9 and happened agian in grade 10. I haven't done anything since then except get help. Prolly haven't done anything cuz nothing too devastating has happened yet. I know it will happen evetually but that's how life is. Anyways Moron told me to read this book by Steven Levenkron and do 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity a day. I got my CDI test scored on my last visit. I got 23. I see Moron for the third time on August 13th.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Sunday June 6, 2004
Final performance of Anne of Green Gables. Many people were out to piss off the teachers including another teacher. One actor (playing the role of a music teacher) while conducting he switched from Mr. O's conducting method to Ms. Porker's to Ms. McIntosh. Then for the Ice Cream song, Kuchee went out in a dress and hat and sang along with the cast. It was hilarious. Ms. Porker thought so too. :) Then there was the cast pool party which was awesome except that it was kinda cold out. Oh, Mr. Force'em was at the performance today, so was Mrs. Clark. When takedown was finished, Ms. Porker was trying to come back into the cafetorium and so she was gonna use her keys but I opened the door for her and I almost hit her. It wasn't on purpose.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 (ya I know it was two days ago)
Spring Concert- Oh ya! Awesome! Senior Concert Band played Our Director, Flight of Valour and Pirates of the Caribbean. I also helped clean up. I helped Ms. Porker put something back and we started to race TC and Squirkel down the hall and I hit Ms. Porker in the back of the leg. Whoops! (it wasn't on purpose) She thought I was only 16... hehehe. I'm 17. Anyways when the cleanup was finished, Mr. O said that he should take everyone to McDonalds for a treat. So I drove over with Ms. Porker. She's got a new car. It's a navy blue... very nice. I'm going to create new nicknames for some people. I'll blog them as soon as I figure them out.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

i cut my hair 5" on monday after school... its so different... anyways i saw Ms. Porker yesterday and my friend who was with me said hi to her and Ms. Porker said "Hi Mole (well she said my actual name) it's been a long time since i've seen you." this isn't really true i see her practically everyday... jeez silly unobservant ppl... oh well... Today, Mr. 4sin read this :P Shoutouts to ya Mr. 4sin lol

Thursday, April 08, 2004

New semester started end of january but i forgot to post about it...
Four new classes... four new possible classes to torment...XD im so mad at Mr. O cuz he wants to have a band rehearsal in the morning of Kiwanis...which is on my bday! :(
o well at least i dont have to go to english...
my new teachers: Ms. Wynie, Mr. Quando, Mr. 4sin, and Mrs. Andsome. I may change these nicknames later but they'll do for now...
Wynie: english (Furby has her too not in my class though)
Quando: social science
4sin: math (Furby is my class :))
Andsome: social science

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Been awhile but uh.. Ms. Porker is going ahead with the musical for this year im gonna see if she needs help again this year...
oh that exam... i scared the crap outta Ms Porker... I was sitting facing Furby and talking to him before we started... Ms Porker was handing out scrap paper and when she was putting it on my desk i turned around and said hi Ms Porker. She kinda jumped and said hi back...
check out this cool site: its very cool. anyways i gotta go.... i will post soon i hope....

Friday, January 23, 2004

Update: I had my hair streaked New Year's Eve day. Looks pretty good.... not as blond as Ms. Porker's....
My chem exam on monday is gonna be supervised by Ms Porker I'm Doomed!!!