Sunday, December 12, 2004

Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated... well I'm not surprised cuz I got mono, then gallstones, which led to my surgery (gallbladder removal) which happened on Nov 12, 2004 (school P.D. day) Oh just before my surgery, November 1-4 I spent in the children' ward at the APGH in extreme pain... I've missed so much school, that a lot of work accumulates and buries me for so long... my school's Christmas concert (December 8,2004) was entitled "Sounds of the Season". I created the program for it along with Ms. Apple's help :D I started playing hockey again on December 5, 2004 XD My team tied the game... I get to play my first school hockey game on tuesday! I'm so excited... So many bad things have been happening to ppl at my school, we had a teacher (Mr. Miller) die, a custodian (Marlene I think) and a student (David Preston). May they all rest in peace. Also, I found out that Mr. 4sin went to the hospital a week or so back because of an irregular heart beat and he wore a heart monitor for a day to further ensure his health is good... I hope no more bad events occur.