Friday, May 21, 2004

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 (ya I know it was two days ago)
Spring Concert- Oh ya! Awesome! Senior Concert Band played Our Director, Flight of Valour and Pirates of the Caribbean. I also helped clean up. I helped Ms. Porker put something back and we started to race TC and Squirkel down the hall and I hit Ms. Porker in the back of the leg. Whoops! (it wasn't on purpose) She thought I was only 16... hehehe. I'm 17. Anyways when the cleanup was finished, Mr. O said that he should take everyone to McDonalds for a treat. So I drove over with Ms. Porker. She's got a new car. It's a navy blue... very nice. I'm going to create new nicknames for some people. I'll blog them as soon as I figure them out.