Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Sunday June 6, 2004
Final performance of Anne of Green Gables. Many people were out to piss off the teachers including another teacher. One actor (playing the role of a music teacher) while conducting he switched from Mr. O's conducting method to Ms. Porker's to Ms. McIntosh. Then for the Ice Cream song, Kuchee went out in a dress and hat and sang along with the cast. It was hilarious. Ms. Porker thought so too. :) Then there was the cast pool party which was awesome except that it was kinda cold out. Oh, Mr. Force'em was at the performance today, so was Mrs. Clark. When takedown was finished, Ms. Porker was trying to come back into the cafetorium and so she was gonna use her keys but I opened the door for her and I almost hit her. It wasn't on purpose.